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Varsity shatters high games & series for the season

  • Varsity literally shattered all their season highs and won all 9 points this past Tuesday, bringing their record to 13-14.
  • Varsity bowled their highest game series yet with a 913 and total series of 2675
    • Senior Zach Jakaitis bowled a high game of 230 and high series of 588 (196 average)
    • Junior James Dubanowich dominated with 7 strikes in a row, shooting a high game of 247 and a high series of 688 (229 average)
    • Senior and team captain JJ Curley left all of his "personal bests" in the dust!
      • he shot 8 strikes in a row for a season high game of 268
      • earned a 740 series (highest in conference), averaging 246 for the match
      • 2nd highest averages in the boys' conference, averaging a whopping 217 per game!
  • JV won 9/9 pts today as well
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